Kauai Judiciary Complex
KATAYAMA & ASSOCIATES, INC. was the mechanical sub-consultant tasked with designing the air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing, fire sprinkling, and energy management and control systems for this $30 million court facility. The court building measured approximately 120,000 square feet encompassing two and half floors. The air conditioning system consisted of two 200-ton centrifugal chillers and one 100-ton screw chiller with primary/secondary variable chilled water pumping. A majority of the air handling units were equipped with variable speed driver and VAV boxes. The ventilation systems included toilet exhaust, parking garage exhaust, and general heat control exhaust. The plumbing system consisted of stainless steel security fixtures, as well as standard public toilet fixtures. The entire building was fire sprinkled with centrifugal fire pump connected to an emergency generator. A separate jockey fire pump maintained system water pressures. The energy management and control system provides energy monitoring, demand limiting and operational control for the entire building’s mechanical systems.